Cleansing Crystals
Susie Baker Susie Baker

Cleansing Crystals

It’s very simple really…on a full moon, just run your crystals under the tap, gently pat them dry with paper towel or a soft cloth and then place them under the rays of the full moon to cleanse .

Whilst you're allowing the water to run over your crystals, in your head or out aloud you need to set the intention, that is, the intention to cleanse, purify and remove any negativity from your crystals. Once done, place your crystals either on the window sill or outside under the full moon and let the full moon work its magic.

Whilst i’m placing my crystals outside or on the window sill, I ask for the crystals to be instilled and infused with positivity from the highest good. I also think about what I want to manifest and set these intentions as well. The full moon is very powerful for cleansing crystals, setting your intentions and manifesting your desires.

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New Year, New You
Susie Baker Susie Baker

New Year, New You

It all begins with an idea. It’s all about you. This year is made for you . So take that first step and be you. Time to get balanced and make time for you. Everything you need to know is within you.So get meditating, ground yourself and the answers lie within.

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Chakra Balance
Susie Baker Susie Baker

Chakra Balance

It all begins with an idea. You focus and you begin to formalise the idea into a plan. You stay focused. Keeping your chakras centred and aligned will help you to stay centred. Aligning your chakras with your positive thoughts is a very powerful manifestation tool that effects our emotional and physical well being. Chakra crystals spiritually help unblock blockages and give you balance.They are believed to assist in healing your physical and spiritual self in balancing your mind and body.

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The power of smudging
Susie Baker Susie Baker

The power of smudging

Burning sage or Palo Santo sticks has been used for centuries to cleanse a person or space and to promote healing and wisdom.

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