Stella Collection has evolved from the passion of crystals over many years. All crystals are reikied, cleansed and intuitively picked just for you.

Stella Collection began with an idea and that was to share my love of crystals with everybody. Stella Collection was a hobby collecting crystals for personal use. Now a hobby has turned into something more, an online business where I get to share my love of crystals with you.

From the Earth,

for the mind, body and spirit

Every piece whether it is a tumbled stone, raw crystal, bracelets, crystal sticks, key rings, crystal cluster , carved pieces or necklaces are intuitively chosen, cleansed and reikied for your pure enjoyment .

Full Moon Cleansing

It is recommended that crystals are cleansed on the Full Moon. This enables the negative energy to be removed and the crystal infused with the positivity of the Full Moon. It’s like recharging the crystals.

Crystal Placement

Crystals should be placed intuitively around the home or office. Wearing a crystal or placing one in your pocket engages the crystal vibrations for what you need to work on .

What is the Right way ?

That’s the beauty of crystals ! There is no right or wrong way because it is all about the intention. Keep your intention pure and the crystals will vibrate to the same level.

Which Crystal For Me ?

Crystals are for everyone. Sometimes the crystal chooses you. The properties of the crystal will attract you and that’s what you need to work on. Use your intuition and be guided as to what crystal you need.

Intuition & Meditation

Intuitively select your crystal to match the meditation. Ask yourself “What crystal do I need for Meditation ? “ For example, I wish to bring more love into my life. You can choose Rose Quartz with Clear Quartz to facilitate more love coming into your life.

Made by Mother Earth

Crystals are made by Mother Earth for our enjoyment from around the world . Mother Earth’s pure love and intention are infused into precious crystals for us to appreciate and enjoy.