The power of smudging

Sage sticks and Palo Santo Sticks are great tools for smudging. They are commonly used to energetically clear, cleanse and purify any physical space. Set the intention and cleanse away any negative energy and invite positivity to your physical space. This will help to restore tranquility and calmness.


Sage, Palo Santo, Abalone Shell


The Abalone shell is a symbol of water. It’s calmness and tranquility protects us from life’s unsettling passions. It is one of solace, a connection to the ocean, the life cycle of life, protection and ancient travel. Abalone has the ability to offload worries and cares and transforms negative energy into a positive uplifting mood. It also promotes communication and compassion. Its beauty is a reminder of life’s essential nature and love. A beautiful rainbow iridescent Mother of Pearl shell. The colourful shell symbolises independence, self-reliance and solitude.

Including the abalone shell into your smudging routine means you are incorporating all four of the earth elements. The shell represent water, unlit sage and palo Santo represent the earth. Once lit they represent fire and the smoke represents air. Associated with the Crown and Heart Chakra.

Susie Baker

For all crystals, crystal jewellery, spiritual cleansing, manifestation kits, you have come to the right place. Any questions just ask, I’m here to help. Dream big, be you, be happy. .

Chakra Balance